Thursday, September 08, 2022

Charles III seems an ill-advised choice for a name - 8 September 2022

With the passing of Elizabeth II R, her son Charles is being called the King.  However, official reports are not naming him as "King Charles III" yet.  I suggest this is wise.  Charles I came to a bad end, and Charles II was mired in controversy.  The controversy may look peculiar from today's perspective, but it was wild enough at the time to eject Charles II and to bring on William and Mary in a Parliamentary coup.  (As I understand, this is the origin of the "divine Right" moving to a "divine and Parliamentary Right".)  Adopting the title of Charles III would recall some bad times and questionable royalty.  Much better that Charles (prince) adopt another name with better associations. Of course, others get to decide this and a rebellious colonist has but little to say in the matter.  To distract us all from this weighty decision, here is a picture of a cat.