Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Working with Medicare and Social Security: Follow-up Follow-up, 7 December 2021

I suppose this is the way things normally happen in life.  Once you buy a car, you suddenly routinely see them on the road when you have never noticed them before.  In this case, I contacted my U.S. Representative's office to ask them to inquire at the Social Security Administration (SSA) about the revision to dates of my eligibility for Medicare.   I completed some confirmation forms for them (approval to use my personal information) and then went out to get the mail.  

Sure enough, that was the day that the confirmation mail arrived from SSA to grant my eligibility for Medicare.  I promptly called the Rep's office to explain and cancel my request.  The office is working remotely, so the interactions are through voicemail and email.  One does not actually talk to anyone, but I tried to be clear in my message (both times).

Now to convince everyone that I am on the "special" enrollment schedule and I am not late for the annual enrollment schedule that ended yesterday (7 Dec).  I got the confirming mail after the close of business, thus I was unable to respond in time to meet the deadline, anyway.

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